Sunday, 17 August 2014


All clothing - Topshop
Cross Necklace - Italian Boutique

While Justin Timberlake did his thang this weekend at V Fest, I decided to pretend I was there by turning up 'cry me a river' (but not quite stalking a Britney lookalike) and dressing up in the only things in my wardrobe that I thought resembled a bit of a festival get up. Obviously, I would probably need to go more 'Hunter' than 'peep toe' if I was actually there, but considering I wasn't, *sigh*, I could indulge in such fashion luxuries as heels.

Did anyone head to 'V' this weekend? What were your fashion must haves? 



Monday, 4 August 2014


Hat - Topshop
Dress - H&M
Necklace - Italian Boutique
Heeled Sandals - Primark

Unfortunately, I don't have anything that interesting to share with you all this week as I injured by back bowling and so I have been confined to my sofa for the majority of the weekend...and yes I know, how can someone actually pull a muscle in their back bowling, well apparently they can when a game between work colleagues gets a little bit competitive!

But I did manage to put on a brave face and head to Oxford Street for an hour on Sunday, I couldn't physically try on clothes but I did manage to wonder around the accessories section in Topshop, which is where I found this beauty of a hat. I have never been a big fan of hats, whereas my Dad on the other hand has them as his number one accessory, he has a collection that even I, a non-hat enthusiast is jealous of! But I have to say when I tried on this hat not only did it fit like a glove, but it actually suited me, so naturally I couldn't resist and headed to the checkout.

You never know this could be the start of my very own (Dad inspired) hat collection...


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