Leather Jacket - AllSainrs
T-Shirt - Whistles
Trousers - Zara
Trainers - Adidas |
Deja vu... this lovely t-shirt by Whistles got me thinking about all the things in life I see being repeated by not just me but everyone around me and especially living in the buzz of London one of the things I see time and time again is how your work and life can blend into one. Sitting on the tube you see people answering work emails, or cyclists taking a conference call. Everyone just seems to struggle to differentiate the two.
Love and work are said to be the cornerstones of being a human being and both to me are equally important but at times it can be challenging to juggle the right amount of each and I do think you need to try and separate the two at times.
As I have grown up over the years I think one of the key things I have had to master is achieving a good work/life balance, especially when you're getting used to not being a student and are trying to make your mark in your new career path. As we are at the start of a new year quite a few friends I know have vowed to make this the year that they decide to finish work just that little bit earlier to give them some extra time with the ones they love, or for starting a new hobby or just giving themselves a bit of me time.
With this in mind I thought it would be quite a nice idea to write a post on the different ways I have managed to create a nice work/life balance (I'm not saying mine is perfect and of course there are always some occasions at work where you have to put in the extra hours, but on the whole I think anyone can achieve a good balance, which will make you enjoy your work hours all the more)...
1. Take some time to have fun at work - you may be feeling stressed and don't want to move from your desk at lunch because you think if you stay your work will get done quicker, but in actual fact sitting at your desk for long periods of time without a break can make you less productive and having that little bit of time away, to relax and have some fun with friends will give you a fresh mind to carry on with the task when you come back.
2. Make some time for you - I recently went to a talk on mindfulness, and I know this is a buzz word at the moment, but just taking 20 mins out of your day to focus on yourself can have a really positive impact on your life. So finish work that little bit earlier to do some exercise or a quiet bit of meditation and this can do wonders for your energy levels. I try to work out at least 3 times a week, and if I don't I really see a dip in my energy and productivity levels.
3. Organise your work and life - A lot of people say I am over the top organised and I don't really mind the comments because being organised has really helped me to make sure I can plan my work a head of time. With tasks I will create a to do list for the week, with timelines and priority levels, this way I know which tasks NEED to be completed and which ones I have wiggle room on. And by having a weekly rather than daily to do list I can see how new projects and tasks can be slotted in for the week.
4. Don't say no to a social event - I know that you might think drinks or a dinner on a Wednesday night might make you feel more tired for Thursday but in actual fact having that down time allows your brain to switch off from work stress, then you can come in the next day feeling more refreshed and ready for action. So the next time you are thinking of cancelling that dinner with friends to just sit in from of the TV, don't, I promise you, you will feel a whole lot better if you say yes!
I hope you all found this post useful and can use some of it to have a healthy and happy 2016.